Monday, August 25, 2008

Bad Advice from Seth Godin

As a huge fan of Mr. Godin's, read or listened to all of his books more than once, I have to say this is the stupidest thing I've ever heard him say. While it may be a nice gesture, it would do serious harm to the people who have to pay for those clicks - i.e. the advertisers themselves.In the post, he says - >> 'If every time you read a blog post or bit of online content you enjoyed you clicked on an ad to say thanks, the economics of the web would change immediately." >>Well that's for sure! I don't understand how something so obvious could escape someone so brilliant. In a comment on Sphinn, someone points out that perhaps this is a vendetta against Google for having all but squished his Squidoo venture from appearing in the search engines. I suppose that's a very real possibility, because what else could explain such obviously horrible advice. Mr. Godin, are you also advocate that a company's stockholders should each have their family and friends buy up hundreds or thousands of dollars worth of products before year's end to drive up the stock price? Then they could just return all the products after the start of the new fiscal year, and get their money back, yet the stockholders make a nice profit.I find this completely appalling, and I do hope Mr. Godin addresses it...

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