Thursday, May 13, 2004

Scott's First Blog

For over 7 years, I've been writing articles on my websites, most recently at my business,
Portland Technology Consultants. I've decided to start a blog, and my first page here is filled with a lot of things my readers know that you may not...

They have a general idea of what’s inside their computer.
What's Inside Your Computer?

They know how to use their mouse, (both the left and right buttons) effectively.

Mousing Around and The Right Mouse Button

They know how to perform routine maintenance on their computer to keep it running
Tune Up Your Computer and Speed It Up, Buddy! and Windows 98 Maintenance

One of the first things they learned, was that it's much easier to Copy Cut and Paste than to retype
something. What a timesaver!

They know how to minimize their risk of disaster.

Removable Storage Options and Backup, or you'll be sorry!

They know how to keep unwanted programs from loading when they boot up their
computer, which keeps their computers’ performance high and increases their
own productivity.
The Perfect Computer

They know how to effectively search the internet, and how to use their web browser to
it’s fullest of capabilities.
Search Engines on the Web and Customize your Browser

and Customize your Browser II

They know how to properly utilize their e-mail, and keep their in-box, as well as all their desktop and all their other files neat and orderly, so that anything can be found in a snap.

Manage Your E-mail and Manage Your E-mail II and Clean Up Your Desktop

They know how to troubleshoot their own basic software problems, and they know what
the likely solution is for resolving those problems.

Error Messages and When Software Won't Work and Three-Finger Salute (ctrl-alt-del)

and How to call Tech Support

They know how to download programs and files from the internet, then locate those
downloaded files and install, view, or print whatever they’ve downloaded.

Foolproof Downloading and Printing from the Internet

They know how to properly scan pictures for sharing online, without special software
being needed to view them.
How to Use Your Scanner

Most importantly, they know how to keep their computer free of viruses, unwanted
intruders, and “spyware” that violates your privacy, and causes a whole host of serious problems.
The Truth About Viruses and Virus Safe Computing and

Spyware...Is someone watching you? and Do you need a Firewall? (Yes you do)

They moved out of the realm of being beginners with Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows ME (yuck), and Windows 2000. In doing so, they learned that the CTRL - ALT - Delete command was their friend, especially in Windows XP. Three Finger Salute - XP

Today, (September of 2004) they are running a system with bare minimum Windows XP Home, with 256 megs of Ram and a 1.0 GHZ processor or higher. If not, then a new $400 computer should on the holiday wish list.

Here’s a helpful list of keyboard shortcuts that will save you
lots of time, compared to using the mouse.
Power Users' Keys to Success

If they have a business, then they probably know How to Establish a Web Presence,
and how to Market Your Website. They also know how to Be your own IT department

They know what their kids meant when they heard them say to a friend... "I'll IM you later". That's because they read Understanding IM Services

There are over 70 articles at my site, and as more articles get written, I'll post them there. This Blog though, will be a way to write various things that someone somewhere might find interesting.